Sad news about Lynn Cheney - Our long-time friend and business associate

We recently heard the sad news that our good friend and long-time business associate Lynn Cheney has died.

John Cheney founded Comrex in 1961 and was travelling with Lynn on an organized Broadcast Engineering trip to the newly opened-up China in 1983 with 6 other companies, all of us selling our wares, which is when I met them, literally “on a bus in China”.

From that chance meeting, they became staunch personal friends as well as long-term business associates and we together enjoyed huge success with their remote audio products, developing the UK market in particular, first for Telephone Frequency Extenders, then ISDN, POTS and finally IP audio codecs.

Although Lynn retired nearly 20 years ago, many will remember visits to our mutual customers across the UK and her regular presence on our IBC (and indeed Montreux) stands.

Radio World has published a retrospective

Ian Prowse, Director Vortex Communications Ltd