CallMe diRECt
CallMe diRECt is a Browser-to-Browser service that gives you added security of being able to record the interview in case of live internet connectivity issue
- Send your diRECt Web Link
- Contributors connect directly to your browser
- Live Stream 15kHz 2-way audio
- Host can initiate recording at both ends
- Host then uploads recordings to their computer
- Fully GDPR-Compliant

It is a browser-to-browser version of CallMe Click-&-Connect so instead of having the need of a hardware codec the Host’s browser connects to the Guest’s browser for a live 2-way conversation. It can stream live from the Host’s browser for broadcast – plus the Host can control the recording of both ends of the conversation / interview at their respective ends (for GDPR compliance) which is then uploaded to the Host’s computer at the end of the session. This means that you end up with a solid recording in case of internet issues during the “live” connection – and nobody has to have any special hardware.

CallMe diRECt is available stand-alone or as an add-on to CallMe Click-&-Connect.
Other CallMe products

CallMe Click-&-Connect
Cost-effective Subscription Codec service for contributors to send high quality audio.

Windows-based Cost-effective Expandable Multi-Channel IP Audio Codec

Low-cost hardware IP stereo audio codec for studio and home use.

CallMe diRECt-X
Browser-to-Browser Codec for Host and up to 5 Guests, Live and Record

IP via LAN and 4G add-on for Glensound GSGC5 ISDN Field Mixer