CallMe-TX Windows-based expandable multi-channel IP Audio Codec

CallMe-TX uses Vortex’s industry-standard CallMe “codec engine” running under MS Windows to provide multiple CallMe IP Audio Codecs on a single platform.

CallMe-TX provides the same capability as the established and well-liked CallMe-T low-cost desktop hardware codec and is licenced by number of connections and number of audio channels making it ideal as a studio ingest for multiple contribution sources which can include Program Audio, Talkback and Telephone. CallMe-TX interfaces to physical soundcards and virtual Audio-over-IP drivers (for example Dante Virtual Soundcard) via ASIO/MME.

CallMe-T, on which the Windows CallMe-TX is based, was first announced in 2017 as a lowcost back-end for CallMe Click-&-Connect, Vortex’s industry-standard cloud codec that puts guest contributors and reporters live OnAir without the need for them to have special hardware or download a software codec. CallMe-T has since developed into a mainstream IP Audio workhorse providing one-touch connection to its stored Quick-Dial destinations, even incorporating video stream support so that CallMe-T (and TX) can join a Zoom conference to provide the highest-quality audio possible straight from the Zoom Server. CallMe-T has an excellent reputation for robust connectivity, audio quality and ease-of-use which is all transferred to the Windows CallMe-TX version.

CallMe-TX Windows-based cost-effective Expandable Multi-Channel IP Audio Codec

With increased use of Audio-over-IP connectivity for Program Sound, Talkback and even Telephone contributions, the need for IP Audio codecs has increased significantly especially over the last couple of years. For each Front-End IP Audio device connection, there is the need for a matching Back-End codec and the costs of purchasing, owning, running – and indeed recycling at end-of-life – not to mention finding space in equipment bays to house them and energy to run them, followed by yet more energy to keep them cool, makes dedicated individual hardware units far from attractive. Furthermore, Organizations – often encouraged by Government legislation – are becoming much more conscious of their Green Credentials and carbon footprint so condensing capability within a single hardware unit is extremely attractive. For full information, please visit

    Opus Mono, Dual Mono and Stereo, 8–510kbps; G.722 and G.711 μ-law and A-law


    SIP UDP 5060, TCP 5060
    RT(C)P UDP 15004–15515
    DHCP UDP 68
    DHCPV6 UDP 546
    DNS UDP any (53 remote)
    STUN UDP any (3478 remote)
    HTTP TCP 80
    HTTPS TCP 443


CallMe-TX Windows-based expandable cost-effective multi-channel IP Audio Codec

Windows-based CallMe-TX has the same capabilities as the industry-standard CallMe-T IP Audio Codec that provides Opus, G.722 and G.711 codecs and SIP connectivity plus lots lots more. Instead of running on dedicated hardware to provide individual CallMe-T codecs, CallMe-TX runs on a Windows platform and can be configured with multiple codec instances and multiple users, all controlled via the web interface. The API provides the capability for integration with other virtual applications such as cloud Talk Show and Playout systems where CallMe-TX provides a cost-effective high-quality audio interface for ingest.

CallMe-TX has the same capabilities as CallMe-T including
Quick-dial destinations from the address book that provide multi-streaming with individual channel destination routing.

CallMe-TX runs as a normal Windows Service and supports Virtual and Hardware Soundcards via ASIO/MME – for example Dante Virtual Soundcard.

CallMe-TX can directly interface to Dante Virtual Soundcard which can use Dante Controller to provide multi-channel input and output routing without the need for conventional analogue or AES-3 audio routers.